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[Janssen] Professional Sales Representative - Hema (South)

1905734037W Requisition #

Janssen, pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson, provides medicines for an array of health concerns in several therapeutic areas, including: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cardiovascular disease, general medicine (acid reflux disease, infectious diseases), mental health (bipolar I disorder, schizophrenia), neurologics (Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, migraine prevention and treatment), pain management, and women’s health. Our ultimate goal is to help people live healthy lives. We have produced and marketed many first-in-class prescription medications and are poised to serve the broad needs of the healthcare market – from patients to practitioners, from clinics to hospitals. For more about Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., one of the Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, visit
嬌生集團(Johnson & Johnson, 簡稱J&J)於1886年創立於美國紐澤西州;從當初的14位員工至2011年已發展為擁有12萬名員工的國際性大企業。嬌生企業遍及世界五大洲,全球共設立200多個分公司,所製造的產品涵蓋藥品、醫療器材、個人保健用品等。2011的年營業總額超過650億美金。
聲譽卓著的嬌生集團連續12年被Harris Internative評選為全球最受尊崇企業前10名,更勇奪美國財星雜誌(Fortune)製藥業第1名的寶座。在各項評比中,嬌生集團除了在整體評比得到最高分數之外,於其他企業特質類別,也獲得非常高的評比,例如在<產品與服務>、<社會責任>、與<情感魅力>等項目都勇奪第一名。上述評比反應出每位嬌生員工本著公司信條精神實踐各項責任,所產生的絕佳結果。
楊森藥廠:楊森藥廠在1953年由楊森博士(Dr. Paul Janssen)創立於比利時,楊森博士致力於藥物研發,一生研發了超過80種以上新藥。楊森藥廠藥品行銷全世界175國,致力研發並行銷創新、高品質的藥物,希望能滿足世界各地人們的需要,並改善生活品質。楊森藥廠於1961年成為嬌生旗下成員,1987年於台灣正式建立行銷網絡,目前在台灣行銷之藥品包括血液、腎臟、精神疾病、疼痛控制、腫瘤、癲癇症和偏頭痛預防、腸胃道、阿滋海默症、避孕、愛滋病、抗感染等領域之用藥。
Job Description
Responsible for promoting our pharmaceutical products to the healthcare professionals with the aim to bring our innovative treatment solution to our patients.
Key Accountabilities

  • Creates a plan to achieve objectives through sales and servicing of all hospital accounts in a prescribed territory.
  • Make regular visits to identify customers’ needs, provide treatment solution to HCP, and gather information on orders and market conditions.
  • Prepares sales reports and documents as required.
  • Follows up with customers to resolve any issues and ensure satisfaction.
  • Develops and maintains sales forecast and submits to management.
  • Relays relevant market information to management.
  • Conduct product listing.
  • Collaborates with other departments to achieve company objectives and ensure a timely resolution.
  • Initiates contact and schedules appointments with customers.
  • Identifies/analyzes potential opportunities to business.
  • Recommends areas for future growth.
  • Complies with Integrity and compliance standard.

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